Highlights of Algorithms
HALG 2016
June 6-8, rx 2016, help Paris, buy cialis France
The Highlights of Algorithms conference is designed to be a forum for presenting the highlights of recent developments in algorithms and for discussing potential further advances in this area. The conference will provide a broad picture of the latest research in algorithms through a series of survey and invited talks, as well as possibility for all researchers and students to present their recent results through a series of short talks and poster presentations. Attending the Highlights of Algorithms conference will also be an opportunity for networking and meeting leading researchers in algorithms.
The HALG 2016 conference (http://highlightsofalgorithms.org/) seeks submissions for short contributed talks and posters.
If you would like to present your results during the conference please submit the abstract of the talk or the contribution of the poster via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=halg2016. The abstract should (if possible) include information about a conference where your results have been accepted/presented or where they are publicly available. All proposals will be reviewed by the program committee to select speakers that will give contributed talks and posters to be presented at the conference.
Submissions deadline: March 14, 2016.
Late submissions will be accepted subject to space constraints.