Professorship (W2, Tenure Track) for Theoretical Computer Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt

The Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt, Department of Computer
Science and Mathematics, invites applications to fill the position of a

Professorship (W2, Tenure Track)
for Theoretical Computer Science

within the Institute of Computer Science. We are seeking a candidate
widely recognized for excellent research in at least one of the research
areas Algorithms, Complexity Theory, or Logic in Computer Science,
substantiated by excellent publications in renowned journals of
theoretical computer science to complement our current team.
We expect that the candidate has completed a doctorate degree with
above-average performance. Experience with acquiring third-party
research funding is advantageous. The successful applicant is expected
to establish scientific collaborations within the Institute of Computer
Science, the Department, Goethe-University, and beyond, in particular
with a focus on Green IT, Theoretical Aspects of Machine Learning in
Computational Life Sciences, Natural Sciences or Business Information
We are looking for a dedicated academic teacher who will be actively
involved in teaching the theoretical foundations of computer science in
our graduate and undergraduate programs. In addition, the candidate is
expected to appropriately engage within academic self-administration.
This appointment is part of a strategic repositioning of the Institute
for Computer Science in Frankfurt. The initial tenure track appointment
amounts to six years (see §64 of the Higher Education Act of the State
of Hessen (HHG)). Upon positive evaluation, the incumbent will be
promoted to a permanent position at a higher level (W3). The designated
salary for the position is initially based on “W2” of the German
university scale or equivalent. For further information regarding the
general conditions for professorship appointments, please see .
Goethe-University aims at increasing the number of women in research and
teaching and therefore particularly encourages qualified female
scientists to apply. Applications of scientists from abroad are
explicitly requested. Severely disabled applicants with equal
qualification and aptitude will be given preferential consideration.
Qualified academics with an excellent, internationally recognized record
in research and teaching are invited to submit their application with
curriculum vitae (scientific and professional experience), a list of
publications, a record of teaching activities, a draft of five pages at
most on present and planned research, a record of actively acquired
third-party funding, certificates and documents until July 23rd 2018 in
electronic form (as a single PDF file) to the Dean of the Department of
Computer Science and Mathematics, e-mail: .

For questions on the position, please contact the Executive Director of
the Institute of Computer Science, Prof. Dr. Ina Koch, e-mail: .

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March 2025

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