RANDOM/APPROX 2019 call for papers

Call for Papers: 23rd RANDOM & 22nd APPROX 2019

September 20-22, 2019 MIT, Cambridge MA


Paper submission deadline: May 3, 2019

The 23rd International Workshop on Randomization and Computation (RANDOM 2019) and the 22nd International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2019) will be held on Sep 20-22, 2019 at MIT. RANDOM 2019 focuses on applications of randomness to computational and combinatorial problems, while APPROX 2019 focuses on algorithmic and complexity theoretic issues relevant to the development of efficient approximate solutions to computationally difficult problems.

Papers are solicited in all research areas related to randomization and approximation, including but not limited to:

* design and analysis of randomized algorithms
* randomized complexity theory
* pseudorandomness and derandomization
* random combinatorial structures
* random walks/Markov chains
* expander graphs and randomness extractors
* probabilistic proof systems
* random projections and embeddings
* error-correcting codes
* average-case analysis
* smoothed analysis
* property testing
* computational learning theory

* approximation algorithms
* hardness of approximation
* small space, sub-linear time and streaming algorithms
* online algorithms
* approaches that go beyond worst-case analysis
* distributed and parallel approximation
* embeddings and metric space methods
* mathematical programming methods
* spectral methods
* combinatorial optimization
* algorithmic game theory, mechanism design and economics
* computational geometric problems
* approximate learning

Submissions: May 3, 2019
Notifications: June 20 ,2019
Camera ready: July 1, 2019

Abstract Format: Electronic submissions are solicited. Please consult the following servers:

For submission of APPROX papers: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=approx2019
For submission of RANDOM papers: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=random2019

Note: You will be asked to login using an EasyChair account. Directions on how to register for such an account are available at the submission servers (you may also have an old account from a previous conference submission). The submission must be received by 15:00pm (PDT) of May 3, 2019 for your submission to be considered.

Submission Format: Submissions should start with the title of the paper, each author’s name, affiliation, and e-mail address, followed by a one-paragraph summary of the results to be presented. This should then be followed by a technical exposition on single-spaced pages on letter-size paper, using reasonable margins, page numbers, and at least 11-point font. The first 10 pages should contain the main ideas and techniques used to achieve the results including motivation and a clear comparison with related work (not including the references). There is no page limit but any material beyond the first 10 pages will be read at the sole discretion of the program committee. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings is not allowed.

Accepted papers will be published in the online proceedings of the conference in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series, based at Schloss Dagstuhl. This guarantees perennial, free and easy electronic access, while the authors retain the rights over their work.

RANDOM Program Chair
Dimitris Achlioptas, UC Santa Cruz/Google

APPROX Program Chair
Laszlo A. Vegh, LSE

Local Organizing Committee Chair
Ronitt Rubinfeld, MIT

RANDOM Steering Committee

Oded Goldreich, Weizmann
Cris Moore, SFI
Anup Rao, U Washington
Omer Reingold, Stanford, Steering Committee Chair
Dana Ron, Tel Aviv University
Ronitt Rubinfeld, MIT
Amit Sahai, UCLA
Ronen Shaltiel, U Haifa, Publicity Chair
Alistair Sinclair, UC Berkeley
Paul Spirakis, U Liverpool

APPROX Steering Committee

Klaus Jansen, U Kiel
Samir Khuller, U Maryland
Monaldo Mastrolilli, IDSIA


Dimitris Achlioptas, UC Santa Cruz/Google
Nikhil Bansal, Eindhoven/CWI
Paul Beame, U Washington
Ivona Bezakova, Rochester IT
Klim Efremenko, Ben Gurion
Uri Feige, Weizmann
Anna Gilbert, U Michigan
Subhash Khot, NYU
Antonina Kolokova, MUN
Ravi Kumar, Google
Or Meir, U Haifa
Prasad Raghavendra, UC Berkeley
Noga Ron-Zewi, U Haifa
Sofya Raskhodnikova, Boston University
C. Seshadhri, UC Santa Cruz
Devavrat Shah, MIT
Christian Sohler, TU Dortmund/Google
Kunal Talwar, Google
Thomas Vidick, California Institute of Technology
Jan Vondrak, Stanford
David Woodruff, CMU

Nima Anari, Stanford
Kristof Berczi, Eotvos University
Deeparnab Chakrabarty, Dartmouth
Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, UIUC
Michael Dinitz, Johns Hopkins
Leah Epstein, U Haifa
Samuel Fiorini, ULB
Swati Gupta, Georgia Tech
Bundit Laekhanukit, SUFE
Joseph Seffi Naor, Technion
Huy Le Nguyen, Northeastern
Kanstantsin Pashkovich, U Ottawa
Barna Saha, UMass Amherst
Bruce Shepherd, UBC
David B. Shmoys, Cornell
He Sun, U Edinburgh
Laszlo A. Vegh, LSE

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